they say..

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

-- Albert Einstein.

7 Comers:

Mar8adoosh said...

at first i thought it was any intelligent food ;p

Smart-y said...

Shaklech yoo3ana ;p

Anonymous said...

so true!

Eluded Euphoria said...

shift intelligent and they r bad :P oo shift fools, and they are worse :P the together combined in ONE.. ra7 e9eer BOOOM

Smart-y said...

yes.. totally!

lol 3ad BOOM zaina wla BOOM mu zaina? oo 7alat al wa7ed fe thaka2 oo 3'aba2! ;p

Fajorie™ said...

yah yah yah
shno hal kalam el qawey ya smarties

Smart-y said...

e7m e7m.. shukraan! bs its true 9a7?