
... awal shaii baqool "7aii allah" b al new blogger, M7AMMAD welcome 2 the blogsphere!
his blog is here: eshraykom? 3a6ooh waih oo dekhlaw! etha ma 3alaikom kalafa ya3nii!! :P

anyway!! 3indii salfa.. tra mu kateb al post 2 advertise him!!
(ohwa embalaa, bs 3indii shaii mufeed baqolaa!) awal salfa.. do u believe this:

7addddiiii i don't buy it.. a9lan ma 3indhom salfaa!! al 7imdallah oo al sheker!! (watch all the parts, if u're interested)

thanii salfaa, since enna most of you voted for mako she3'el 3la salfat Khardaa my other blog.. ana garart enii akamil fe blogy al thanii oo ma awagif.. e3nad! ;p

oo bs.. la wait!!.. wish me luck!!.. this week and the next one are going to be a v 7ossaa-period-of-time!
(e7m la ta3leeq!)

5 Comers:

m7ammad said...

thanks for the support my brutha!! ;p 9j scary hal sowalef 3an yom el qeyama! yoomaH! anyways a7es a7san chood elnas etha e5tar3aw yehtedoon!

Seattle dude said...

welcome to the blog sphere dude~

& alla e3eenik 3ala 7oostik man :P yalla emota enchoofik bil gahwa :P

Smart-y said...

m7ammad: hehe b3d hatha aqal shaii asaweeh!! enjoy ur stay fe al blogsphere!

Seattle dude: ee wallah allah y3eenii ;( oo mta enshofek enta fe al ghahwaa mu ana :P?

Big Pearls said...

welcome M7ammad:)

Best of luck Smarty:)

Smart-y said...

BP: thank you.. ne9 al 7ossa ra7at baqii al ne9 el thanii! ;)