Random #2

... mako bs random thoughts #2 (2 9a7? mu 3!?.. madrii) el muhem:

# shlonekom wya al re6ooba? shakhbarii haa?? 7adii nesait how it feels a9lan! kelaa 3'bar wla thalj (mara wa7daa oo mu em9adgeen ;p)

# thak al yoom qarait hal ma3loma fe majalat Majed (3araftoha?) i used 2 read it mn lama kent baby oo ana ma a3aref aqraa oo lil7een.. el muhem check the pic t7t, khala9 ya 3alam la tro7on al gym wla etsawoon diet, shelfaydaa!?? etha fat ppl are going 2 live more than thin ppl!!!

# enzaaain, shofaw thak al yom ga3d adris fe maktabat Jaber Al Ahmad.. ekteshaft ekteshaf kha6eer enna edla3'ii mashqoq LOL oo el mushkela mn el fe9'awaa 9awartaa!! oo abii astefiid mn el 9ora qelt a7e6ha fe al blog! :P

# mnu ye7eb ekleechaa? yayatnaa mn el qe9eem (KSA).. 7adha 3ajeeba ana oo oboii edmaan!

# my second article got published fe Bazaar's new issue ;)

# 9ayer ma aktib fe blogy al thanii.. Kharda, allah yakheth al dawam.. ared malii khelg ;(

# mnu yabii menhom? a36eeh.. 3adii bs qool ;p

oo bs.. enjoy the rest of ur day
! ;)

17 Comers:

Some Kuwaitiya said...

Then you're saying that thin ppl should be fat ! hehehe i don't believe it, we're healthier and that's a fact :p

MAktabat jaber el a7md 9arat my second home mn kithir ma gmt a6ayi7 feeha these days 7g el mids ! loooooool bs really nice socks :p

under what title is ur article ?

Aurous said...

# e7na a9lan ma t7oshna el.r6oba ella kl 50 sena ;p... walla jawna dayman 7lo ;p

# it's a very reliable source of health information ;p

# ana by el.floooos, pleaaaaaaaaaaaase ;p

Anonymous said...

itro7 tadris ib maktabat jaber il a7mad YA7LAILIK! weli may6ibha eli liltharooora il qu9wa!!! eheh
yah yah mabroook it9adig tawha wa9latna the new issue wait baro7 adawir ur article =P

Anonymous said...

FOUND IT:D ehehe 7adi saree3a =P nice article i liked shlon reba6t the 2 things together 3omri ma fakart ib hal 6areeqa...lol al7een kel ma ashof a7ad bag3ad aqarin =P

Smart-y said...

somekuwaitiya: LOL akeed mu mn 9ejy!! bs fe9alt 3al khabar!! oo enaa mn Majid, fa generation al yay bekon kella emtan cuz kel el teenagers qaraw hal khabar oo they believed it! :P
oo wallah me too!!.. ana ag3ad fe al maktaba ayam al finals akther mn baitna!!
ana lil7en ma sheft my article feh two subjects for it madrii ay wa7ed they picked, i'll check oo aqolech.

Aurous: a9lan e7na ma7sodiin 3la jawnaa.. bs ma7ad yadrii!!
oo 7ayach t3alaii a36eech.. cham tabiin ;p?

sugar: LOL!! yemaa menech.. fe9'a7tenii! :P aham shaii enha e3jebtech ;)
which issue did u see, april or may? (the two issues fehom my articles)
oo ee ana adris fe maktabat jaber al a7mad.. hudoo2!! (aw starbucks etha malait!)

Anonymous said...

7aram 3alaik ma fetha7tik! ma gelt ayhee ur article =P its the april issue...eli feeha ryool...wedi a3arf adris chithee haha ma3arif... derasti metga63a! i think cuz mali 5ilg:/

Smart-y said...

sugar: ana ma a3aref adris fe al bait.. fa adawerlii mukan thanii.. madrii laish t3awadt.. oo LOL ana aro7 adris oo weyay al laptop marat wla a book ag3ad agra feh oo ma adris ;p oo if u're interested b3d check out the new issue! ;)

Anonymous said...

kaaaaaaak smart-y ya3ni da3aya =P inshallah ill check it out =P good luck! btw...tadree eni rabya 3nd ur family...5oo intaw wa7d 9a7? (tara madree how related r u to them...) eheh wayid 9EDAMTNI!

Ex-clamation Mark said...

I didn't know you guys knew about Kleija ;P

Bel 3afya =P

msha3erha said...

Your socks pic is so funny :p
and btw I want the first 10 dinars plz ;p

Smart-y said...

sugar: LOL.. enkamil b al email a7san!

Ex-cla,ation: LOL back 2 our family roots.. we came from KSA, which means we like klechaa by blood ;p
allah y3afich!

msha3erha: hehe thanks, oo ma te3'laa 3alaich al 10kd, bs 10? qolaii 100, 200!! LOL

Anonymous said...

حرام عليك .. ابي كليجه =(

شباب لاتصدقون ترى سمارتي مزور فلوس كبير بالكويت :P

Principessa said...

khooosh ma3loooma bas ham el semen ye2adi 7ag amrath etmawet fa ham hathi moshkila:P

3anooda said...

mako 9owar johnnys???

btw r u getting my new posts on ur dashboard feed - laneh pple are telling me that they arent seeing anything

Smart-y said...

yousef: LOL esket la tef9'a7nii.. oo t3al al q8 etha la7aqt 3leeha a36eek :P

Principessa: ee hathii el derasa mabneya estenadan 3la enna kel shaii thanii is constant.. le2na if we include everything bt9eer 7ossa LOL :P

3anooda: LOOOOL la makoo :P enshallah soon!! oo yes i'm getting ur posts updates!

DaLaL said...

ana abi min hal floos ABI @@ min siji!! :P

Anonymous said...

weeeh weeeh a5eeeeeraaaan ..a7ad e3ref we7eb il klajaa :P kekekeke
waaaay e7na gabl fatra yaybenlena..mini klaja Oo bil bortoqal Oo madri shinO anwaa3 :P

Tara ashta6...eb hal sowalef :P

wallah estanast..lama agool 7ag il banat klaja..ya36ooni nathrat KO- LA- Ja..shinO ya3ni..qalj il esm :P
kekekek madaraaw :P