
adry, am not updating my blog more often.. m3any ba6aly oo mako she3'el lil7een, bs things r 7ossa shway.. mnu me7tas ha al yomeen b3d? sh3ndkom ta7al6emaaw fe al comments qolaaw :b??

oo btw, how're KU students doing?? sajaltaaw wla 9j ely maktob fe al jarayed mako mukan!?

4 Comers:

mo3ath said...

dude blame twitter XD all the bloggers went there :D

Anonymous said...

ma3thooooooor! bas 3ad 3asa il na6ra worth it na6reen the "surprise" =P

CBA Guy said...

ba6ee5 :D

Khalid said...

sajalna bas mako shay methel awadm!